středa 8. června 2016

Integrative theology (Lewis, Demarest)

Lewis, Gordon R., a Bruce A. Demarest. Integrative Theology. Historical, biblical, systematic, apologetic, practical. Zondervan, 1996.

Each chapter deals with one specific theological problem. Chapters, content of the book together with problems is listed here
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Volume one


1. Theology's Challenging Task (p. 21)

2. Divine Revelation to All People of All Times (p. 61)

The problem: Does every rational person comprehend something of God?

3. Divine Revelation Through Christ, Prophets, and Apostles (p. 95)

The problem: How does a man, woman, or child, created and loved by God, come to know the Lord of the universe in a personal, saving relation?

4. The Bible as Given by Inspiration and Received by Illumination (p. 131)

The problem: In what way is the Bible inspired and authoritative?


5. God: An Active, Personal Spirit (p. 177)

The problem: How shall we view the reality of God ontologically?

6. God's Many-Splendored Character (p. 215)

The problem: How shall we view the character of God intellectually, ethically, emotionally, volitionally, and relationally?

7. God's Unity Includes Three Persons (p. 251)

The problem: How ought we understand the plurality of God (as Father, Son, and Spirit), given the fact that God is one?

8. God's Grand Design for Human History (p. 293)

The problem: Are all events in nature and history the fulfillment of the sovereign plan of a perfectly wise and omnipotent God?

Volume two


1. The Origin of the World and Humanity (p. 17)

The problem: How did the universe, persons, and all living forms as we now know them come into existence?

2. Existence Under Providential Direction (p. 71)

The problem: To what extent and by what means does the all-wise, all-loving, and all-powerful God govern the universe, history, and persons to His predetermined end?

3. Human Beings in God's Image (p. 123)

The problem: How shall we view the nature of persons in terms of their intrinsic being and capacitites?

4. God's Image-Bearers in Rebellion (p. 183)

The problem: How do we account for the imperfections and failures of persons created in God's image to be the noblest beings in God's world?


5. God's Eternal Son Incarnated (p. 251)

The problem: How could the eternal word of the divine spirite (John 1:1) become a temporal child of human flesh (John 1:14)?

6. The Messiah's Divineness and Humanness (p. 309)

The problem: How could deity with all its perfections unite with humanity with all its limitations in a single integrated person whom we know as Jesus Christ?

7. Christ's Once-for-All Atoning Provisions (p. 371)

The problem: What did Jesus Christ's death on the cross of Calvary achieve for sinful and condemned men and women?

8. Christ's Resurrection, Ascension, and Present Exaltation (p. 437)

The problem: How shall we understand the resurrection of Jesus, His entry into heaven, His sovereign rule over the world, and His intercessory ministry on behalf of believers?

Volume three


1. The Holy Spirit's Calling of the Chosen (p. 17)

The problem: Does the Father apply the benefits of Christ's atoning provisions on the cross to the elect by means of the Spirit's effectual calling in time?

2. The Sinner's Conversion and Regeneration (p. 73)

The problem: What is the nature and outcome of conversion and the new birth?

3. The Believer's Justification and Reconciliation (p. 125)

The problem: What does Scripture mean when it affirms that the righteous God justifies and reconciles condemned and alienated sinners?

4. The Sanctification and Perseverance of the Justified (p. 173)

The problem: How do Christian believers grow spiritually and persevere in the faith to the attainment of eternal life?


5. The Church Spiritually and Institutionally (p. 241)

The problem: What do we believe about the nature of the Church, its membership and polity, and additionally about its sacred rites, discipline, and mission in the world?

6. The Church and Israel in God's Kingdom (p. 307)

The problem: What is the interrelationship between Israel, the Church, and the connection of both to the kingdom of God?


7. Christ's Second Advent and Millennial Rule (p. 369)

The problem: How shall we understand the second advent of Christ, the rapture of the Church, and Messiah's kingly reign?

8. Life After Death, Ressurection, and the Final Judgment (p. 445)

The problem: Is there life beyond the grave, and if so, what is th nature of the future existence for believers and for unbelievers?